Quantum Computing Demos in RasQberry
This page lists several Quantum Computing demos that will be made available on RasQberry
Raspberry Tie
Your Raspberry Pi running code on the IBM Quantum platform processors or simulators via Python 3 -- with results displayed courtesy of the 8x8 LED array on a SenseHat (or SenseHat emulator)!
For more details, you can check out its README file here, or visit its github repository.
Developed by Kevin Roche GitHub: KPRoche/quantum-raspberry-tie
Bloch Sphere
A simple demo that helps to to understand the Bloch Sphere.
Developed by James Weaver GitHub: JavaFXpert/grok-bloch
GHZ with multiple Qubits
This demo by Jan-R. Lahmann creates several blocks with multi-Qubit GHZ states and displays the result using the integrated LED. Simple circutis with up to 4412=192 Qubits can be simulated.
Wiktor Mazin and a team have created fractals with some quantum input: Fractal animations with quantum computing on a Raspberry Pi
Quantum Paradoxes
Maria Violaris has published a Blog and YouTube series about Quantum Paradoxes, such as Schödingers Cat, Quantum Zeno Effect, Time Loops, Teleportation, Wigners Friend and others. Implementations of these paradoxes will be available on RasQberry.
Fun with Quantum
Fun with Quantum by Jan-R. Lahmann is a collection of Jupyter notebooks that highlight specific aspects of Quantum Computing that are interesting and/or fun. It is focussed on “serious games for quantum computing” and includes a coin game (introducing and explaining superposition), the GHZ game (about entanglement), and several other Qiskit notebooks.
Qoffee.Maker.org by Jan-R. Lahmann is based on Quantum Computing and will produce a coffee, capuccino, etc based on the measurement result of a Quantum Circuit.
To get your favorite type of beverage implies creating a quantum circuit whose measurement result is the appropriate representing binary number.
Quantum Lights Out
Quantum Lights Out, developed by Luka Dojcinovic, is an implementation of the Lights Out puzzle game that is solved using a quantum algorithm and then displays every step of the solution process on the RasQberry Two's LED panel.