Bill of Materials

This document contains all the information you need to purchase everything needed to assemble the RasQberry Two Platform. When fully assembled, you will have a functional and detailed model like this one!

The Required Components section provides a handy list of every component needed for the basic model as well as any optional additions.

The Bill of Materials section organizes every component into an easy to read table with accompanying important information such as cost, quantity and purchase links.


The following people have contributed to the development of the documentation:

Luka Dojcinovic, Andy Stanford-Clark, Eric H Jenney, Jan-Rainer Lahmann, Sascha Schefenacker

You can contact any of us with questions, concerns or suggestions for changes to the hardware specs and the assembly guide.

Guiding Principles

These are the key tenets that we strive to follow when designing and assembling the hardware of the RasQberry Two.

  1. The RasQberry Two platform will be an Open Platform that anyone can access and anyone can contribute to. All code provided, along with the 3D models and the hardware assembly procedure, will be open source.

  2. Two tiers of the project will be provided; Core and Optional. The Core tier will be all the necessary components needed to create the base RasQberry Two model, with an emphasis on making it as cost effective and easy to procure as possible. The Optional tier will include optional components that enhance the functionality of the model if the user would like to expand on the Core tier.

  3. The RasQberry Two should be easy to procure; the components should be readily available and different store page links should be provided for people around the world.

  4. The RasQberry Two should be easy to assemble; someone with little to no prior hardware experience should be able to assemble it by following the instructions.

  5. There should be no soldering required to assemble the RasQberry Two.

  6. When possible, the RasQberry Two should faithfully recreate the real world quantum computer it is based on.

  7. The RasQberry Two should serve as a fun and creative way to educate about quantum computers and how they work.

Required Components

Core Components:

The following core components are necessary to create the base functioning model of the RasQberry Two. It includes all the components needed for the enclosure model, the LEDs and the operation of the Raspberry Pi at the heart of this project.

Raspberry Pi:

  • Raspberry Pi 5 2GB or Raspberry Pi 4B 4GB

    • 2 GB of RAM for the Pi 5 is sufficient for day to day tasks and most of the quantum demos. If a demo runs poorly with 2GB of RAM, it will be noted in the demo's info.
    • The Pi 5 is recommended for this project, however a Pi 4B can be used as well. Alternatives to some components will be needed if the Pi 4B is used (power supply, cooling fan etc.). The cooling configuration with a Pi 4B has not been tested, due to the lack of a standard cooler for the Pi 4B. If using a Pi 4B, a PWM fan of some kind mounted above the CPU is recommended. Additionally, the wiring to the LED array is different for the Pi 4.
    • The hardware assembly guide will assume that a Raspberry Pi 5 is used.

  • Raspberry Pi 5 27W USB-C Power Supply

  • Raspberry Pi 5 Active Cooler

  • Minimum 32GB MicroSD card

    • Note: For compiling the OS image from source, a 128GB MicroSD is needed due to PyGen. For most people, compiling from source will not be needed. Instead, it is recommended to download and install the release image, which is already compiled, for which 32GB will be more than sufficient.
  • Right Angle USB-C Adapter

  • Right Angle HDMI adapter (Make sure right direction)

LED Array:

  • WS2812IC 4×12 LED Panel (4 of them)

  • Male to Female Breadboard Jumper Wires

  • Filter screen for LEDs


  • An FDM 3D Printer or access to one

  • PLA Filament

Note: Multiple colors of PLA are needed to achieve the desired look. The specific colors and total amounts of PLA have been listed in the BOM below.


  • Magnets

  • Nuts and Bolts

  • Screws

Optional (Nice to Have) Components:

The following components are optional. They are not required for the core functions of the RasQberry Two, but they can enhance the experience and provide features such as portability and extra illumination.

  • Geekworm X1203 UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)

  • Battery pack holder

  • 18650 Batteries (2 of them)

  • USB-C Power Switch

  • LED Ring for Cryo-illumination

Bill of Materials

Core Components BOM

Note: The prices listed are accurate as of December 12, 2024.

Part NamePart DescriptionPart #North America LinksEU LinksAsia LinksQuantity NeededUnit CostTotal Cost
Raspberry Pi 5 2GBThe brains of the whole operation.Note: You can get the 4GB or 8GB model for better performance on certain demos and to be more future proof if desired.Amazon Link Link
Amazon EU1US $50.00US $69.99 (Amazon)
US $50.00 (PiShop)
Power SupplyPower Supply for Raspberry Pi 5.Raspberry Pi 27W USB-C Power Supply Black US
Note: Any 25W USB-C PD power supply will work.
Amazon Link Link
Amazon EU1US $13.60US $13.00 (Amazon)
US $13.60(PiShop)
Active CoolerFan to cool the Pi 5.Raspberry Pi Active CoolerAmazon Link Link Link
Link to 5V fan
Amazon EU1US $9.12 (Amazon)
US $6.45 (PiShop)
US $9.12 (Amazon)
US $6.45 (PiShop)
SD CardSD Cards for the Raspberry Pi 5 storage.SanDisk 32GB Ultra microSDHCAmazon Link Link
MicroCenter Link
Amazon EU2
(Only 1 is needed, but it's good to have a backup)
~US $7.50US $14.99 for 2 (Amazon)
US $9.95 (PiShop)
Right-angle Power AdapterRight angle adapter for the USB-C power supply.Amazon Link
Amazon EU1US $6.30US $12.60 for 2 (Amazon)
Micro HDMI to HDMI Adapter CableCable to convert the Pi's Micro HDMI port into the more common HDMI port.
To be used when connecting the Pi to a display.
Amazon Link (Right angle can be used while in the enclosure) Link
1US $9.99 (Amazon)
US $2.95 (PiShop)
US $9.99 (Amazon)
US $2.95 (PiShop)
LED Panels4x12 Pixels LED Panels to display images on the wall.WS2812IC SMD 5050 RGB Module Matrix Screen DC5VAliExpress Link
Amazon Link (Note: 8x32)
AliExpress Link4US $3.36 per panel.US $13.44 (AliExpress)
Breadboard Jumper WiresMale to Female 20cm Jumper Wires to connect the Pi to the LEDs.Amazon Link Link
Amazon EU1 (40 Wires)US $2.95US $7.99 (Amazon)
US $2.95 (PiShop)
LED Filter ScreenWelding Shield to place in front of the LED Panels.AliExpress LinkAmazon EUAliExpress Link1US $2.99 (with Free Shipping)US $2.99 (AliExpress)
US $12.62 (Amazon)
3D Printer FilamentFilament needed to print the enclosure and quantum computer model.Silk Silver (Cryo, RTE) -
Transparent (Lids) -
Black (Wall) -
White/Rock White (Floor) -
Silk Gold (Chandelier) -
Note: Matte Black PLA filamenet is preferable.
Amazon Link (Silk Silver)
Amazon Link (Transparent)
Amazon Link (Black)
Amazon Link (White/Rock White)
Amazon Link (Silk Gold)
Amazon EU (Silk Silver)
Amazon EU (Transparent)
Amazon EU (Black)
204g (Silk Silver)
82g (Transparent)
205g (Black)
282g (Rock White)
24g (Silk Gold)
US $x/gUS $
MagnetsMagnets to connect enclosure model (door, RFE).15x2mm and 3x2mm Neodymium Disc (15x2mm) (3x2mm)
Amazon EU (15x2mm)
Amazon EU (3x2mm)
12 (15x2mm Magnets)
14 (3x2mm Magnets)
US $2.99 for 10 (umagnets)
US $1.99 for 50 (umagnets)
Bolts and NutsBolts and nuts to secure the floor tiles together.#4-40 3/8 in. Round-Head Screws (US).
Note: M3 Bolts with A2 Hex Heads can be used for metric screws.
Home Depot Link
(Your local hardware store will probably carry similar ones.)
14US $1.98 per 10 screwsUS $3.96 (Home Depot)
ScrewsScrews used to secure the Pi to the back plate of the Wall.#4 x 3/8-inch Square Drive Tapping Screw (US).
For metric, any M2.5 screw that is between 6mm - 8mm in length will do.
Note: You can also use #4-40 x 1/4-inch Machine Screws as an alternative. These ones are a better fit, but they are not pointed at the end so you will have to create the thread within the plastic yourself.
Home Depot Link
Home Depot Link (Alternative Screw)
Home Depot US Link
4US $1.50 per 16 screwsUS $1.50 (Home Depot)

Shopping Tip: In most cases, it is cheaper to buy all of the Raspberry Pi components from PiShop instead of Amazon. The following components can all be purchased with one order from PiShop for a total of US $85.90:

  • Raspberry Pi 5 2GB
  • Power Supply
  • Active Cooler
  • SD Card
  • Micro HDMI to HDMI Adapter
  • Breadboard Wires

Optional Components BOM

Note: The prices listed are accurate as of December 12, 2024.

Part NamePart DescriptionPart #North America LinksEU LinksAsia LinksQuantity NeededUnit CostTotal Cost
UPSUPS to power the Pi so that it can be disconnected from power
and shown around for a short time.
Geekworm X1203Geekworm LinkAmazon EU1US $41.00US $41.00 (Geekworm)
2x 18650 Battery packBattery pack holder for the UPS.2 Pack 2-way parallel 18650 battery pack with XH2.54 terminals headGeekworm Link1US $4.00US $4.00 (Geekworm)
18650 BatteriesBatteries to power the UPS.Any 18650 Battery.
NOTE: Do not buy Li-Ion batteries from Amazon!
It is against Amazon TOS and they will be poor quality.
Good brands include Samsung, Molicel or Panasonic.
LION Wholesale
2US $6.20 (LION Wholesale)
US $4.65 (18650 Battery Store)
US $12.40 (LION Wholesale)
US $9.30 (18650 Battery Store)
LED RingThis ring can be placed inside the main model to have extra illumination.
(may need additional Breadboard Jumper Wires).
5V RGB LED Ring WS2812B 12-Bit 38mmAmazon LinkAmazon EU1US $6.99
EU 6€
US $6.99 (Amazon)
EU 6€
Power SwitchSwitch to power on the Pi from outside of the case.NOTE: For the Pi 5, an inline switch is LinkAmazon EU1US $4.95US $4.95 (PiShop)
WeightsAdgesive weights that can be placed inside the cryostat and the RTEs to make them feel heavier and more hefty.Amazon LinkAmazon EU6 weights for each RTE.
(48 per package = 8 RTEs)
US $0.20 per weight.US $8.20 (Amazon)